Medicare and You

Take a deep dive into traditional and replacement Medicare, as well as how to handle needs beyond what Medicare will cover. We’ll examine real examples of how the program works, use of Medicare for specific needs, and coverage of costs when Medicare shuts off. If you are now on Medicare, are approaching Medicare eligibility, or considering Medicare benefits for a loved one, this is a course for you. It will give you a firm grasp of how to maximize your benefits, what types of plans are available, and as a bonus, how to keep marketers from calling you so much!

Learning Objectives
Understanding Medicare's various parts, determine what type of secondary Medicare coverage is appropriate for your (or your loved one's) needs, awareness of the shortcomings of Medicare and options to provide additional coverage.

Course Details 
During the course we will cover: Medicare eligibility and enrollment, in depth explanation of Parts A, B, C and D as well as Medicare supplement plans, the differences in co-insurance options between Medicare Advantage (Part C) and Medicare Supplement, as well as where Medicare reduces or denies coverage such as dental, vision, health, home health and long term care.

Instructor Biography
Cassie Walden: I have 6 years of experience as an Insurance Broker specializing in the Medicare and retirement field and while I have taught this specific course three times I have presented countless Medicare seminars over the last 3 years. Having a background in teaching mathematics equips me to effectively communicate complex concepts in easily understandable segments.

The class will meet 4 times on the following dates:

Monday, February 24th, 2025 
Monday, March 3rd, 2025 
Monday, March 10th, 2025
Monday, March 17th, 2025 
(NOTE: course is a 4-part series)

Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm

Where: Tarleton State University (Fort Worth Campus) - 10850 Texan Rider Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76036

Building and Room #: CAB 310

Parking is free and a permit will be provided upon registering.

Price: $19 per person

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