Clay Shoot - General Registration

Tarleton State University Clay Shooting Scholarship Fundraiser

May 2nd, 2025
Joshua Creek Ranch 
Boerne, TX

Adult Team: $800
Adult Individual: $200
Youth Team: $500
Youth Individual: $125

Tournament Schedule:
12:00 PM Registration Opens
1:00 PM Safety Briefing & Instructions
1:30 PM Shooting Begins
5:00 PM Awards Dinner 

Belt Buckle Awards for: 
1st Place- HOA Team 
1st Place- Youth Team
1st Place- Men's HOA
1st Place- Women's HOA
1st Place- Youth HOA

** If you are paying for a team, please put the names and contact info of your additional teammates in the "Teammates" Box. **

Prices range from $125.00 to $800.00 (price depends on options selected)